Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Doing what I can and learning what I can't

Lately, as some of you know, I've started working the midnight shift at UPS for a little extra income (and I mean little) but mostly for the benefits. The Lord has secured in my heart a desire to minister to and reach college and young adults. In order to do this, I needed to find a little extra income (b/c student loan payments will start soon) and I'm in need of better and cheaper insurance, which I gain from UPS.
The midnight shift starts at 11pm and ends around 3am, with some variation. I thought that it would be fine. I would get in get about 6 hours of sleep and still be ok going into work at the church around 10am. Yeah, that's been a little rough. I've come to the stunning realization that I'm not in college anymore and 6 hrs of sleep is not going to cut it after some hard manual labor. I get some good deep sleep but wake up in the morning still dog tired from the nights work. I'm doing what I can to do what I feel God has called me to do but I'm also learning that there are some things that I can't quite do anymore (i.e. go on 6 hrs or less of sleep a night). I chalk it up to getting a little older even though I don't really feel old, but then again I'm 27. Stopping and thinking about it, that is crazy!! It's hard for me to even believe I'm 27. That's only 3 years from 30. What?!! Well, I'll just have to accept the fact that I have changed whether I like or not.
I guess that is a part of getting older, realizing what you can't do any more but enjoying and doing what you can.

Yeah, another sign I'm getting older...I just posted about work, insurance, and sleep. Geez, I can't win for losing!!

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