Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It's Not About YOU!
"For by Him all things were created, in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities- all things were created through Him and for Him." Did you get that? I even italicized and bolded it for you. It's all for Him, Jesus Christ. He created all things, He owns all things, He is preeminent over all things...it's ALL about HIM!
So my job isn't about me? NO! So my singleness/marriage isn't about me? NO! So my leisure and things I find pleasure in isn't about me? NO! Well then, what is about me you might now ask. NOTHING!
You may ask, "Well, what about Jesus dying on the cross, wasn't that about me?" Nice try, but even though it was to redeem us and for us it was still not about us. It was about glorifying the Son, it was about demonstrating the LOVE of Jesus Christ, it was about God; His justice, His name, His glory, His love, His compassion, His patience, His grace, His mercy, His glory, His renown, it's ALL about Him. Until we can begin to grow in this understanding and apply it to every aspect of our lives we will only live in the moments of pleasing Him. When this understanding has become the bedrock of our decisions and belief then we can begin living lives full of His pleasure. We begin to think in Kingdom terms. We begin to think beyond the temporal to the eternal. We live differently than the world because we live for a different reason. We live in full abundance of life for Him, because it is ALL about Him...even our life.
Lord, help me to ground my heart in this truth. May my life, decisions, actions, and reactions be seen by others as a life that is ALL about YOU.
Monday, November 10, 2008
"Is Prayer To You a Task?"
Ah, no, it is a thing of beauty,
And a wonder and a glory
Past our comprehension, for He
Gave to feeble, stumbling man a
Giant's arm that, stretched, can span a
Universe and reach to Heaven,
Change a life, a world, and even
Haste the day of His appearing,
Day of rapture, ever nearing!
O blessed hour of power and beauty!
Is prayer to you a task, a duty?
Martha Snell Nicholson
Monday, November 3, 2008
Wings and Sky: "My Times Are in Thy Hands"
My Times Are in Thy Hands
Teach me, in whatever state
I am, to be content.
Could I presume to stipulate
How this poor life to be spent?
My Lord, my years are Thine, to use
As seemeth best to Thee.
I know whatever Thou dost choose
Will be the best for me.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Why Pumpkins Shouldn't Drink...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wings and Sky
Deal With Me, LORD
Deal with me, Lord!
If I am left alone
I walk such foolish ways
Till I am all undone.
Deal with me, Lord!
Thou knowest all my need,
My blindness, wilfulness,
My careless word and deed.
Deal with me, Lord!
Unto Thy surgeon's blade
I bare my secret heart,
Nor shrink, nor am afraid.
Deal with me, Lord!
Ah, tenderness divine,
That cares to shape a soul
From this poor life of mine!
Deal with me, Lord,
Till some day, face to face
At last with Thee, I'll find
My chastening was Thy grace!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Standing Firm in the Christian Serengeti
1 Peter 5: 8 warns us to "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." You see Satan is not a pretty little kitty to be petted and played with. Scripture is very clear that he is on the prowl, like a lion, intentional on making a kill. He is seeking someone to devour. He is on the prowl, on the offensive, searching for someone to bring down.
I believe often times, as Christians, we act, and are like the gazalles of the plains. When the lions attack, as they will, we scatter, we panic, we run in fear, we freak out. Have you ever seen this in wildlife? It's a sad sight. The lions attack the gazalles and they freak and run all over each other, it's total choas. They run because they have no way to defend themselves against the enemy. They run and hope they are not the slowest.
For the Christian, we are not defenseless against the enemy. 1 Peter 5:8a-9 states "Be sober-minded, be watchful...Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world." You see we aren't to be like the gazalles, defenseless and running, but we are to be like the Elephants.
Have you ever seen the elephants when attacked by lions? It's an amazing sight. They are so huge and so powerful, they can't be brought down by just one lion. When the herd of elephants are attacked they surround the young, the hurt, and the diseased. They surround the weak with a tight circle and fight off the attacks of the lions. You see, for the Christian, Scripture makes it clear that we will be attacked by Satan and his demons, therefore we are to be constantly surveying the horizon for things that looks ascew, things that don't need to be around us, searching to see if there are any creeping lions in or around our Christian walk.
Like the elephants, Scripture tells us to stand firm against the enemy. In James 4:7 Scripture tells us to "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you". But understand this, and understand it well, that your standing against Satan is not of your own power, might, or will. Standing firm is contingent on you being "firm in your faith". If you are Firm in Your Faith, the innerrant Word of God, Revelation from God to man, Absolute Truth, if your foundation is anchored deep into Christ and His Word of Truth, then you will be able to resist the evil one. Being filled with the Holy Spirit and grounded in the Word of God you will be able to easily see the schemes of the devil for what they are. This is why Paul made it his aim to "present everyone mature in Christ" (Colossians 1.28b). If we are in Christ and we are grounded in Scripture as our sole authority for our lives then we are fully able to resist the devil for we know the truth and are not swayed from it. We see the devil coming and see his tricks and schemes from far away. If he cannot get a foothold then he will flee.
Stand firm in Christ knowing that He is Truth and anchor all of who you are in Him and you will not be easily swayed. Stand Firm in the Truth and resist the devil.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tagged: You're It!!! cont'd
1. What time did you get up this morning?
5:30am, I had to get up early to get things ready for our church golf tournament today.
2. Diamonds or pearls?
I don't wear either...I'm a guy. I think pearls on a lady are more beautiful though.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Dark Knight.
4. What is your favorite TV show?
Although it's off the air now, I've come to love watching Arrested Development on Hulu.com.
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
I don't usually do breakfast, but if I'm not running late I might treat myself to a Chic-fil-a 4 count mini's and a Med. Dr. Pepper.
6. What is your middle name?
Blair...it's my mom's maiden name.
7. What food do you dislike?
Most things that are healthy for me, which isn't good.
8. What is your favorite CD at moment?
I haven't listened to a CD or IPod lately, mostly radio.
9. What kind of car do you drive?
Toyota Tacoma SR5 PreRunner
10. Favorite sandwich?
Texas Potroast Sandwich from Corner Cafe in my college town. Pot Roast marinated in Guiness, with salsa and cheese on Foccocia (?) bread.
11. What characteristic do you despise?
An over talker and arrogance.
12. Favorite item of clothing?
A hat. A hat makes anything casual which is my style.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
Tahiti. I've seen some incredible bungalows that sit in the ocean with glass floor sections so you can see reefs beneath you.
14. Favorite brand of clothing?
I use to shop American Eagle and Old Navy alot but lately I'm getting to the point the brand doesn't matter as long it looks good and it's good quality.
15. Where would you retire to?
Somewhere near family, hopefully that'll be near mountains or the beach. But only God knows what will happen.
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday?
Probably my 21st birthday when I turned 21 in Los Angeles doing a Modeling and Acting Competition.
17. Favorite sport to watch?
Football is definitely my favorite to watch on TV, but Baseball is my favorite to actually be at to watch.
18. When is your birthday?
January 9, 1981
19. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I'm usually more of a night person, but I'm trying to get to bed earlier so I can rise earlier and maybe become more of a morning person.
20. What is your shoe size?
On average, an 11 1/2 in Tennis Shoes, but it varies with brand and type of shoe.
21. Pets?
None at the moment. But I would like to get a dog again when I have some kind of yard for it to run in.
22. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?
We had an incredible day for a golf tournament and it was a great success. In addition, God is providing beyond my dreams for all of my needs.
23. What did you want to be when you were little?
No doubt, a Professional Baseball Player. Lived, breathed, and ate baseball.
24. How are you today?
I'm exhausted but in a great mood. Great day, fun golf, good friends, Bible study tonight, and hopefully a good conversation on the phone later tonight.
25. What is your favorite candy(lollie/chocolate)?
It changes, but most consistent are Peanut M&M's or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
26. What is your favorite flower?
Don't really have one, but I think Sunflowers are cool because they turn toward the sun as it moves.
27. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
Mixed feelings on this one, October 9th b/c I fly home to see my family and my growing chubbily cute niece, but I'm really going to see my grand mother who is not expected to make it much longer.
28. What is your full name?
Adam Blair McCullough, but you can call me Culla.
29. What are you listening to right now?
Sweetly Broken by Jeremy Riddle b/c it's playing on Lauren Crane's blog which is open on another tab, and the kids playing in the cul-da-sac on their Big Wheels.
30. What was the last thing you ate?
A bratwurst at the golf tournament lunch.
31. Do you wish on stars?
No. Don't believe in it. But they sure are nice to gaze at.
32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Blue. B/c it's one of the Primary colors which many others require and it's more mellow than Red or Yellow.
33. How is the weather right now?
Probably in the lower 70's and sunny.
34. The first person you spoke to on the phone today?
Shonica, she called me while I was warming up for the golf tournament b/c she need money for changing out bills at the Registration Table.
35. Favorite soft drink?
Dr. Pepper or Mt. Dew, it rotates between the two when I get sick of the other.
36. Favorite restaurant?
The Varsity in Atlanta. A good hotdog, onion rings, and a Frosted Orange. Iconic Atlanta. It's not so much the great food as it is the environment and the memories.
37. Real hair color?
38. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Not sure, I liked playing with GI Joe's and rubber WWF wrestlers and any sports ball.
39. Summer or winter?
I most like Autumn, but if I must choose between the two, it would be winter. You can always add layers but you can only take off so much and be socially accepted (in most normal environments).
40. Hugs or kisses?
I agree with Lauren, it depends on who it is from.
41. Chocolate or Vanilla?
42. Coffee or tea?
If Sweet Tea is on the table (no pun intended) as an option for tea, everytime Sweet Tea.
43. When was the last time you cried?
Not really sure, maybe within the last year, but it doesn't happen too often.
44. What is under your bed?
Storage bins with extra sheets and misc. things.
45. What did you do last night?
Played a softball game, ate leftover pizza for dinner, watched the season premiers of the Simpson's and Chuck, and talked to a good friend on the phone.
46. What are you afraid of?
Deceiving myself of God's will for something of my selfish desire.
47. Salty or sweet?
Most of the time salty.
48. How many keys on your key ring?
I've got two sets. Personal- 3, Work- 3. I try to keep it as minimal as possible.
49. How many years at your current job?
3 years and 2 months to the day.
50. Favorite day of the week?
Right now, Saturday's- which spells college football, cookouts, relaxation, off work, and good times.
51. How many places have you lived in?
If States, 3 (Georgia, California, and North Carolina), Cities 6 (Griffin, Villa Rica, Carrollton, Ga's, Burbank Ca, Wake Forest and Raleigh Nc), Houses- way more than I would like to acknowledge.
52. Do you make friends easily?
Yeah, I make friends pretty easily, unless you catch me on a rare introverted day, but even then its not hard to make friends.
I tag...Ginny (cause she actually reads some of my blogs and updates hers regularly), Shonica and Jeff Salisbury (because they need something to post on their blogs due to not updating regularly).
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Waitin' On a Woman...something like Johnny and June
We really did have some good laughs about it. But, I can't say that I didn't want what they have been blessed with...to someday look forward to what they have known most of their lives now. They have the wonderful bliss of knowing when they return home they have a loving devoted wife to live their life with. I see the way my older friend looks at his wife, the way he talks about her when she is not around us, there is much love, history, memories and much affection for her.
I really like Brad Paisley's song "Waitin' on A Woman". It's funny and sappy at the same time. Classic Paisley. You can call me a hopeless romantic or sappy or whatever you like but there is something innately profound of a love like that. Waiting on a woman who is well worth it. Something like Johnny and June. A love so tight, intense, and passionate others can only marvel at it. One so close that the other can't last without it's better half.
Sittin' on a bench at West Town Mall
He sat down in his overalls and asked me
''You waitin' on a woman?''
I nodded yeah and said, ''How 'bout you?''
He said, ''Son since nineteen fifty-two I've been
Waitin' on a woman.''
When I picked her up for our first date
I told her I'd be there at eight
And she came down the stairs at eight-thirty
She said, ''I'm sorry that I took so long
Didn't like a thing that I tried on.''
But let me tell you son she sure looked pretty
Yeah, she'll take her time but I don't mind
Waitin' on a woman.
He said, ''The wedding took a year to plan
You talk about an anxious man, I was nervous
Waitin' on a woman.''
And then he nudged my arm like old men do
And said, ''I'll say this about the honeymoon, it was worth it
Waitin' on a woman.''
And I don't guess we've been anywhere
She hasn't made us late I swear
Sometimes she does it just 'cause she can do it
Boy it's just a fact of life
It'll be the same with your young wife
Might as well go on and get used to it
She'll take her time 'cause you don't mind
Waitin' on a woman.
I've read somewhere statistics show
The man's always the first to go
And that makes sense 'cause I know she won't be ready
So when it finally comes my time
And I get to the other side
I'll find myself a bench, if they've got any
I hope she takes her time, 'cause I don't mind
Waitin' on a woman.
Honey, take your time, cause I don't mind
Waitin' on a woman...
Well, Honey, I'm anxious for 8:30...but take your time, cause I don't mind, waitin' on a woman.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
There's the song..."No Such Thing" by John Mayer. It's a fun summer song that isn't all that great but it was his first big hit on the airwaves. When I hear it come on the radio it takes me back to the beginning of 2002. I don't have the best memory about events and when they happen but this one I do. I had just moved out to Los Angeles to pursue acting. I was working at a Nordstrom's Department Store at the edge of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills (needless to say I did pretty well on the commissions). The store was located at the end of a village type outdoor mall which had retailers on one end (nordstrom's, tommy bahama, gap, abercrombie) and a movie theater and on the other end the famous LA Farmer's Market (yes, they have a farmer's market). It looked like something off of a Disney movie set. It had a trolley that went from end to end dropping off and picking up shoppers and also had a beautiful pond in the middle of the area complete with a mini-Bilagio dancing musical water fountain. One evening after just getting off work I was standing on the top parking deck overlooking all of this with the sun setting and "No Such Thing" came over the speakers for the fountain. It was a song that has now taken me back to a time when I was care-free and sky was the limit for my dreams. It takes me back to my time in LA.
There are two things that take me back to my High School days, the song "Eye of the Tiger" and the sound of metal cleats walking on pavement. I'll explain.
Almost every game we had a guy who would listen to "Eye of the Tiger" while we were getting dressed or on the road in the bus. It's a great song, especially for motivation. Think about it. You've got a bus full of red blooded American boys hopped up on adrenaline and hormones ready to take on their opponents. When you let us loose, if you had given us battle axes and swords it could have been a battle scene straight out of Braveheart.
The sound of metal cleats on pavement. Underarmor does it no justice in their ads, click clack. I hate those commercials. You see our baseball field was next to our school and every day we would get dressed for practice or games up at the school and have to walk down to the field. As we walked down to the field we had to walk across one of the teacher's parking lots. 20 guys with metal cleats walking across the pavement and across gravel. It's a weird noise most people wouldn't pick up on, but it's distinct and it's a great one. The good ole high school days of fun in the sun and no responsibility.
Sometimes it's a smell. For me, the scent of Cucumber Melon lotion takes me back to college. I was in young love with a girl I was dating for most of my college time and that was the scent she wore. It's kind of attributed to her. It's almost impossible to smell it in the air and not think back to that time of young love and her. It was one of those times when all the world was right and nothing could bring you down.
I know I'm sappy at times. And the next one probably won't help me much either, but the songs of Bryan Adams. "Summer of '69" "Please Forgive Me" and "Cuts like a Knife" take me back to middle school. I had a crush on a girl named Meg. We were good friends and every day after school we would take the bus over to the elementary school where both of our moms worked. We would hang out in one of the rooms playing board games or doing homework and she had just gotten his tape. We would listen to it almost every day, even though hearing them now, we probably shouldn't have been listening to some of them. Those songs take me back to a more simpler and innocent time.
There are many more, but this has gotten a little long. So, what are your nostalgic moments? Is it a song, a scent, a movie, a place, a picture? What takes you back?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What a Day!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
This Next Week
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Getting a Little Personal
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Life Limbo
To update you, I have quit my job at UPS. The late hours and lack of normal sleep was wearing on me too much and the hours I was having to put in were not what I was originally told when I started. So I've said farewell to free insurance and a little extra money.
Now, I'm trying to figure out how to make things work on my limited budget and am cutting costs where I can. I've got student loan repayment beginning which will take some $$ out of my pocket money. I'm praying through what is to come next. I love where I'm at and the people that have surrounded me. I believe God has placed me in this area and a heart for young adults for a reason. Now I'm trying to see how He is wanting me to serve.
I'm only part-time at my church serving as Activities Director and there is no plan or talks of coming on Full-time in any other position. So, I'm kind of in a limbo position hovering under the bar, feet spread out as far as they can go, thighs starting to burn, worried I'm about to pull something, and teetering on falling backwards. It's a struggle to want to make it under the poll and succeed in the challenge but feeling the pain and wonder of how I'm going to make it under and through.
It's a weird analogy I know but hey, I'm kind of a weird guy, what can I say?!
Do you understand that feeling? That point of teetering on falling over in a limbo competition, trying to get your footing right and stable, the weird feeling of having your feet ahead of the rest of your body and trying to balance it to get through to where you can stand upright again, and return to normalcy. Maybe you don't, and I hope you don't, because as much fun as doing a real limbo is, this place of unanswered questions and twisting and contorting is agonizing and frustrating. But, just like real limbo, you can't stop or you will fall, it's guaranteed. It's too hard to stop and start again. You've got to adjust in the moment and continue pushing forward.
I'm adjusting in the midst of moving forward to what God is calling for my life. Be what it may, I adjust and push onward to the calling and prize found in Christ Jesus. If you're life is anything like mine or can relate in any way, may you find the strength to keep moving forward through the power of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My Crazy Life
This week is one of the craziest weeks I've had in a long time. I'm not sure where to even begin my day at, it's that hectic.
So, almost 2 months ago I started working the Midnight shift at UPS part-time for some extra cash and paid benefits (mostly the benefits). I load tractor trailers for the Goldsboro region from the Raleigh Hub. Typically, I'll load about 1,000 packages a night filling up 1 1/2- 2 trailers. This begins at 10pm-2am on Sunday nights and 11pm- 3:30am Monday through Thursday nights.
So my daily routine this week is a little more involved. I'm also teaching Baseball Camp at the church (which is part of my job there).
I'll go into work at 11pm to UPS and load boxes like a mad man. Leave UPS somewhere between 3am and 4am, depending on the volume that night, covered in dust, smut, and sweat. Get home about 20 minutes after I leave UPS, get in the shower, catch my breathe, and get in bed. Hoping it's sometime before 4am. Ah, sweet sleep. It's so nice to get to lie down in a nice comfy bed, head on the pillow, one leg out of the covers (cause that's how I roll), and snooze away into wonderful bliss...oh, no!!! Not this week.
This week it's only a quick nap for about 2 1/2 hours and I've got to be up at 6:30am get ready for baseball camp that starts at 8am (I'm an idiot for starting it so early!!! stupid, stupid, stupid!). Out the door around 7am and at the church by 7:30am (with a slight detour by Bojangles for their amazing 2 Country Ham biscuit deal this month and a large Dr. P to get me through).
8am arrives and the kids start piling onto the field. Fix the water and Gatorade so the kids (and me) stay hydrated and don't pass out. Teach them to throw, herd them up, teach them to bat, herd them up, teach them to run bases, herd them up, teach them to throw again, herd them up (with about a dozen water breaks and bathroom runs, but I did get smart and leave a porta-john on the field). Then teach them about Jesus, pull a kid out of the tree, continue about Jesus, get them to stop talking, continue lesson, tell the kids to quit hitting each other, continue lesson, tell kid to put the bat down, finish lesson and pray. Then we scrimmage.
It's now only around 12pm (noon). Back to the office to check messages and return emails and phone calls. Leave church around 1:30pm and run errands for more camp supplies.
Go grab something to eat real quick. Go home, consume food like a fiend. Return cell phone calls, pay bills, check personal email, check fantasy baseball stats, check facebook. It's now somewhere around 3pm. Take another shower. Set cell phone alarm for 9pm. Go to sleep on couch. Alarm goes off get up eat something for supper change for UPS and continue the cycle.
Tonight will be a little different with Bible Study. But that's pretty much my schedule for the week. Anyone want to trade lives? It comes with ocean front property in Arizona and I'll throw the Golden Gate in free.
I'm one wild and crazy guy!!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Levitical Law
You see, Jesus said that He did not come to abolish or do away with the law, but to fulfill every bit of it. All the laws and sacrifices of the Old Testament pointed to the One who would ultimately fulfill the requirements of them perfectly so that they were never to have to be performed again. All sin was atoned for on the Cross, that one beautiful sacrifice for all. Where as sin entered the world by one man, Adam, redemption came by one, Jesus Christ, once for all.
Read Leviticus now and see if the laborious details of the laws that seem redundant and excruciatingly detailed seem so laborious and excruciating. I don't know about you but it makes me want to sing!! and rejoice in what He has done.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
the SINGLE man's most hated question?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Who's Culture Do I Select?
Living in America we have a grand array of ethnicities, lifestyles, thought patters, philosophies, ways of life, etc. So by which do we define as our culture? Does the culture of Seattle differ from the culture of Oklahoma City? My concern is that if we attempt to only reach the "culture" of a certain type then it might be pretty easy to fall into the mentality of "us 4 and no more" that has plagued many Baptist churches in the past. If we seek to target only the Indie rockers and artsy type then there is a chance of an unwelcoming spirit to the cowboy who wonders in or the stock broker on Wall Street. I fear if we focus too much on reaching a certain type of "culture", whether ethnic or philosophical, we may run the horrible risk of excluding others around us because they are not within our "target culture".
My thought is that if we are to be the Church, we should have a varying mosaic of different cultures within our local congregations. In America we have a myriad of "cultures", however defined, all around us, especially in the cities. As a church we should not target a certain type of "culture" over another but understand the vastness of the ones around us and offer varying ministries within the church to reach them. I don't think the local church as a whole should target a specific "culture". If I target the Indie rocker then who is going to target the cowboy or the stock broker or the Hispanic or the Asian or the...you get the point. I don't want to leave it up to someone else to reach a certain "type of culture". I want to reach them all.
Am I alone in this thought or way off base?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Doing what I can and learning what I can't
The midnight shift starts at 11pm and ends around 3am, with some variation. I thought that it would be fine. I would get in get about 6 hours of sleep and still be ok going into work at the church around 10am. Yeah, that's been a little rough. I've come to the stunning realization that I'm not in college anymore and 6 hrs of sleep is not going to cut it after some hard manual labor. I get some good deep sleep but wake up in the morning still dog tired from the nights work. I'm doing what I can to do what I feel God has called me to do but I'm also learning that there are some things that I can't quite do anymore (i.e. go on 6 hrs or less of sleep a night). I chalk it up to getting a little older even though I don't really feel old, but then again I'm 27. Stopping and thinking about it, that is crazy!! It's hard for me to even believe I'm 27. That's only 3 years from 30. What?!! Well, I'll just have to accept the fact that I have changed whether I like or not.
I guess that is a part of getting older, realizing what you can't do any more but enjoying and doing what you can.
Yeah, another sign I'm getting older...I just posted about work, insurance, and sleep. Geez, I can't win for losing!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I am, at this very moment, awaiting an exciting phone call that my beautiful new niece has just entered the world. While I am here in Raleigh working and waiting for the phone call (and emailed pics) my family is waiting anxiously at Cobb General Hospital in Ga for the newest arrival to our family. Although I can't be there in person (how I wish I could be) I will have to settle for a long drive on Friday to see her, with an all too soon return trip to Raleigh on Sunday morning.
I am so excited about becoming an uncle. Words can't express how happy I am and how much fun it will be. I just wanted to share this with you all, and simply say to my sweet beautiful niece Ava,...welcome to the world!! You are a beautiful gift from God and you are so dearly loved.
P.S. We are going to drive your parents crazy!!
Uncle Adam
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Wedding Planner and being Missional
When I left my little town in GA to move to seminary I contemplated the questions that Stetzer and Putman raise in their book. Why don't I live like missionaries do? Why is there a difference between the way they live for Christ and the way I live for Christ? Simply put, I think it is because we are in our comfort zones. We live in the same town we grew up in (or something similar to it), know most of the people around us, only associate with those who go to our church, it is all about ME. Most do not live outside of their comfort zone. Missionaries have no choices. If they don't like the food, they starve. If they don't connect with people, they don't spread the Gospel. They live mostly out of their comfort familiarities for the sake of the Gospel. If we don't like the food, we don't go to that restaurant. If we don't connect with our city, we seclude ourselves to our "church friends".
I was watching The Wedding Planner recently(yes, I'm a guy, yes, I watched it, and yes, I liked it) and was convicted by a part of the movie. Can you believe it?! I was convicted by a secular movie!! Jennifer Lopez's character loves to play scrabble. She is even apart of a scrabble club. Later in the movie she reveals that she loves scrabble because her parents moved to America and didn't know how to speak English and so they joined a scrabble club to learn the language. This convicted me for two reasons. 1. There are social avenues to meet the lost and connect with the culture around me that I don't even know exist because I'm too caught up in my own little world and comfort zone to even seek them out. 2. I have a friend from India that has been in America for a little over a year. He is involved in many social networks and events to try to make friends. I've been in Raleigh for almost 4 years and probably don't know half of the places and people he does only being in Raleigh for 6 months.
This is the reason I named my blog Engage the Culture. No, we don't live in a 3rd world nation, but our culture in America is vast and ever changing and we need to realize that in order to reach our cities for the Gospel we need to quit living for ourselves and begin living for Christ and engaging the culture so that many might come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
I definitely do not do things right but this is where my heart burns. I desperately want to see people come to Christ. The way I've been living has not been the most fruitful way. It might be time for a change. Time to begin living as a missionary among my own country. This is being Missional, this is engaging the culture.
Are you up for a change too?!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Disciple or Follower?
I have come to a personal conclusion that, although it is not wrong, to call oneself a "follower of Christ" it is more descriptive, meaningful, and more common within Biblical usage to say that one is a "disciple of Christ." To merely say that one is a follower of another in our day in time is more thought of as one who simply follows another around. It describes more of a physical relation to something or someone. It is not vivid or convey, with in my opinion, the depth of the commitment to Jesus Christ. There were many within the crowds that followed Jesus as He preached and healed and journeyed, but there were fewer who were within the crowds that were disciples of Christ. Those who heard the cost of discipleship decided it was too much and walked away.
A disciple, a word not often used in today's terminology of the world, gives a more vivid picture of one who sits under the teaching and doctrines of a Teacher, agrees and adheres to those teachings and doctrines, accepts them, submits to them, dedicates their life to them, and promotes those teachings and doctrines to those who do not yet subscribe to them so that they might spread.
To me the term disciple gives us a much clearer understanding of the depth of our commitment to Christ is to be when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Galatians 2.20 says that our life is not our own anymore, it is utterly and completely His. It is the life that He now lives in us. When we proclaim Christ as such we fully agree with, accept, adhere to, submit, and dedicate our lives to Jesus Christ and the Gospel message found in the Bible. To this end we fully surrender our whole lives to this Truth and make it our full aim in life, our full purpose to spread the Gospel message of salvation and redemption through the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, alone.
I do not mean to pick at straws but I am a bit of a stickler for using the best words to describe things of importance. To call yourself a follower of Christ is not wrong, but I ask "is it the best word or most beneficial word to describe your relationship with Jesus Christ?"